The role of light urine cytology in the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder; a retrospective clinical audit
To assess the role of light urine cytology in diagnosing TCC bladder.
704 patients who presented with visible and non-visible haematuria between January 2013 and December 2013 at the haematuria clinic were audited retrospectively. All of these patients’ urine samples were sent off to pathology department for light urine cytology analysis before cystoscopy and imaging being done. Urine cytology analysis was offered as per local cancer guidelines. During this audit urine cytology, radiological and cystoscopy results were reviewed and compared to tissue histology results were applicable.
704 patients’ urine cytology was evaluated, 14 cases had cytology suspicious for malignancy. Overall 34 patients out of the 704 had TCC bladder confirmed on tissue histology. Out of 34 patients, 6 had a positive cytology, 28 cases were diagnosed on flexible cystoscopy and imaging.
No transitional cell carcinoma cases identified with light urine cytology were missed with cystoscopy and imaging in this cohort.